Adoption Stats in Thailand
These are the adoption stats in Thailand for you. If you have ever wondered how many adoptions occur in Thailand, then the statistics below will give you a good idea how common it is in Thailand and also where the children are moving too from Thailand. The stats are provided by the US Department of State. See the rest of the website for more information on adoptions for American nationals.
Adoption Statistics for Thailand
United States:
For the period between 1999 and 2015 the following statics are available:
Total Adoptions: 1,012 (496 boys / 516 girls)
Of these children 39 had been under the age of 12 months. The majority of adopted children in Thailand are between the ages of 1-2 years of age being a total of 519 children. There was also a total of 168 children between the ages of 3-4 years old. There was also 238 children between the ages of 5-12 years of age with only 47 children between the ages of 13-17 years of age. Most of the children in adoption in Thailand being more than 50% tends to be in the 1-2 years old age category.
Between the period of 1999 and 2015 there has been a total of 261,778 adoptions from abroad in the United States alone. 61% of these had been girls with 39% being boys and mostly under the age of 2 years of age. Interesting to note that inter-country adoptions had gone down over this period. In 1999 there was just over 15,000 inter country adoptions and hitting its peak in 2004 with just under 23,000 adoptions for that year. Since then it has declined to 5,600 inter country adoptions in 2015. See the adoption stats in Thailand for US States below.
The top adopting States tends to be
- California
- Texas
- New York
- Illinois
- Florida
These States tend to be in the top 5 states for adoptions from abroad. They have always remained in the top 7 for more than 10 years according to the statistics. Visa usage is also cover in the stats as has been listed below.
Visa Statistics for Thai Adoptions:
Most adoptions in Thailand have seen the children leave on IR-4 visas over the last 10 years as The Hague Adoption Convention entered into force with respect to the United States only in 2008. The IR-4 visa was used for 700 Thai children leaving for the United States. This with the IH-4 at 225 being the next most common visa type. 67 children left on an IR-3 and only 20 on an IH-3 visa. Most adoptions global on average tend to leave their home countries on an IR-3 visa. Which is for a non-Hague country. Since 2008 the most common visa (97%) the children leave on is an IH-4 US visa and some (3%) IH-3 US visas.
The adoption process can be difficult and complex. It is always best to speak to a lawyer or law firm in Thailand with experience in inter-country adoptions.